Humble Beast is a family of creative disciples committed to reflecting the beauty and goodness of Jesus Christ through our words, actions, and talents—and to helping other creative disciples do the same. The local church is absolutely vital in this mission, and so Humble Beast is a ministry of Trinity Church of Portland.
Thomas Terry
Founder / Serves as Executive Director
Ryan Lister
Serves as Director of Discipleship
Samuel Nagel
Serves as Director of Operations
Bekah Ruiz
Serves as Event Coordinator
Carlos Hernandez
Serves as Photographer & Social Media Manager
Miguel Angel Iniesta
Serves as Filmmaker
Ministry Partners
Patrol is a team of storytellers and artists producing books which tell fiction and non-fiction stories inspired by the Bible.
Deeper Well Records was formed in 2012 as a collective for followers of Jesus who want to use their creative gifts to explore the Gospel's depths.
Their desire is to provide creative work that flows from a deep understanding of the Gospel, and that is available for the church as a whole. Deeper Well is known for releasing music that aims to point the listener to our Triune God's transcendence.
Streetlights is a ministry of Creative Communicators called to intentionally engage global urban culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by producing, translating, teaching and proclaiming God’s Word so all can understand. Our identity and call are founded on the belief that God’s Word is transformational and needs to be accessible and understandable to all people.
Extended Family
A heartfelt thank you to
Anthony Benedetto
Ashton Trujillo
Brian Brodersen
Bryan Winchester
Brett McCracken
Caleb Vandermeer
Coleman Weimer
Cole Brown
Courtland Urbano
Cynthia Mathai
Devon Berry
Elijah Burton
Esteban Shedd
Isaac Adams
Greg Taylor
Jacob Shillingburg
Jan Verbruggen
Jason Petty
Jorge R. Canedo E.
Josh Hill
Josh White
Mathew Nimmo
Matt Simonsen
Moses Hooper
Ryan Roberts
Norm Theisen
We wouldn’t be here without you!